


The Interest rates API enables you to retrieve the latest rates for deposits and loans. Interest rates are available on Landsbankinn website under vextir / interest rates.


Using the API

When using the Interest rates API there are few things you need to know. Interest rates are exposed as group and rate:

  • The group is a consumer product
  • Use the /Groups route to fetch all groups 
  • Use the /Rates route to fetch all rates
  • The rate name attribute contains both the name of the rate and the condition when the rate rule is applicable 
  • The rate type attribute contains a number defined as [0: Deposit, 1: Loan]

In the following example, we have defined a few groups (aka. products)

Id Name Description
13 Vaxtareikningur - 7 daga binding Þegar þrepi Vaxtareiknings er náð reiknast vextir ...
... ...  

and then a few rates.

Id Name Type GroupId Value
14 Innstæða á bilinu 0-199.999 0 13 1.8
15 Innstæða á bilinu 200.000-999.999 0 13 1.8
16 Innstæða á bilinu 1.000.000-4.999.999 0 13 2.55
17 Innstæða á bilinu ******************** 0 13 2.85
18 Innstæða yfir 20.000.000 0 13 3.45
... ... ... ... ...

* The interest rate API retuns data is in Icelandic



The publication of Landsbankinn's tariff is provisional and may be changed without notice. The bank is not liable for any typographical errors.